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Women in AI Eindhoven Circle

Event details

November 20
17:30 - 19:00
Event Category:
High Tech Campus 5

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AI Aspirations vs. Reality: Understanding Project Failures

Join Women in AI for an insightful panel discussion exploring the common pitfalls that lead to the failure of AI projects. Explore how unclear objectives and expectations can derail initiatives from the start and how data issues often pose significant hurdles. The experts will also address integration challenges, ethical and regulatory constraints, and the impact of unrealistic timelines.

After the panel, you will engage in an interactive session!

Detailed program:
17:00 Doors open
17:25 Introduction/ recap of WAI Eindhoven
17:30 – 18:10 Panel discussion
18:10 – 18:15 Break
18:15 – 18:45 Workshop
18:45 – 19:30 Networking & Drinks


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