Partners involved

VersionBay, CGI, ASML

Key words

Education, children, primary school, artificial intelligence


AI is already in our lives, but not just our lives, but also in our children’s. Kids are already using AI and exposed to AI without realizing it, from Tik Tok, Instagram, Siri, YouTube, smart phones and more).

At the moment there are not enough initiatives to create awareness of the impact of AI for our future generations. BAIKE would like to leverage the passion and brainpower of the over 12000 engineers and scientists on the High Tech Campus by organizing multilingual awareness workshops for children.

BAIKE video

  • Education
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Workshops
Our mission

“Education is the most powerful weapon that you can use to change our world”

 – Nelson Mandela

Join our mission
Nelson Mandela

We are looking for

  1. Passionate AI enthusiasts who are willing to help with content creation
  2. People who want to help organize workshops for kids
  3. People who want to deliver and share knowledge

Sign-me up as a volunteer!

Register here

Upcoming activities

The upcoming events are being planned and depending on corona measures. Please keep an eye on this page and the Events page for more info!