AI News – April 2022

Industrializing AI in the Brainport Eindhoven Region: Home base of the regional applied AI community

Event recaps

AI Innovation Session- MedTech Series

Who gives consent to data obtained from wearables? What are the current data privacy regulations regarding medical devices? How do you interpret the data you’ve accumulated? How can you adapt AI technologies to your business?

These were some of the topics that have been discussed in our AI Innovation Session Medtech Series. Brainport Eindhoven and the AI Innovation Center have joined forcues to curate the content of each session with the purpose to inspire MedTech companies about the potential AI technologies.

The fourth and final session will be a Matchmaking finale will take place on the 7th of June. Stay tuned for more! 

The future of innovation is psychological, not technological

Klaas Dijkhoff and Tom de Bruyne, the co-founders of SUE & The Alchemists, a company for applied behavioral science, gave a two-hour talk on how understanding human decision-making is a key to successful innovation. “Every successful innovation has figured out how to tap into deeper psychological needs, problems, desires, fears, and beliefs. Discovering those psychological insights and addressing them in your product is what differentiates products that catch on from products that don’t.” 

Going International

On Wednesday 23rd of March, the AI Innovation Center hosted a delegation from Rwanda.

Joining Ambassador Nduhungirehe were Minister Counsellor Michael Sebera, First Secretary Jean Mukama and Communication Officer Willem Wesrtegh. The purpose of the visit was to explore potential collaboration between the High Tech Campus Eindhoven and Rwanda. 

Interaction between Estonia and The Netherlands for a better world

Newly appointed honorary consul for Estonia Peter Kentie especially wants to connect Dutch and Estonian campuses and universities. The delegation visited the AI Innovation Center for an inspiring session to discuss the innovation ecosystems of each country.

AI Awareness Workshop- BAIKE

The first AI Awareness workshop was delivered yesterday April 4th to a group of middle school students from the region. The students spent half a day at the High Tech Campus Eindhoven to immerse in the technologies of the future. The morning was spent at the AI Innovation Center where the students enjoyed from an AI Awareness workshop. Afterwards they visited the 5G Hub where they learned about the potential of the 5G network.

BAIKE aims to continue organizing sessions and invite students from all over the region to come to AI Innovation Center and interactively learn what AI is, its relevance, and how much fun it can be!

To join as a volunteer, sign-up here or contact Gareth Thomas at

Wich rules and regulation apply to AI systems?

In the proposal of the AI Act by the European Commission, the Commission included the possibility for Member States to launch Regulatory Sandboxes. These are projects where AI systems can be developed and tested in a regulated and controlled environment, while temporarily suspending certain requirements on the systems which are being tested. 

To explain the details and advantages of the sandboxes, the Netherlands AI Coalition, the Dutch Association for AI and Robot Law and AI knowledge platform LegalAIR organized a session at the AI Innovation Center.

AI news

Cboost wants to robotize labor on the way to building Society 5.0. Cboost is a 5.0 Engineering consulting firm offering high-tech R&D and engineering services. Based on their expertise in advanced technology such as robotics and artificial intelligence, Cboost’s multidisciplinary engineering teams develop business solutions that help clients move to a more efficient and sustainable future.

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Flying Forward 2020 Project to start its first demonstrations of autonomous drones on High Tech Campus. Flying Forward 2020 (FF2020), an innovation and research project focusing on Urban Air Mobility solutions and funded by the European Union, will initiate autonomous drone demonstrations on High Tech Campus Eindhoven (HTCE). In the last year, FF2020 has been developing solutions that will be tested in five living labs, starting in Eindhoven and continuing in Milan, Zaragoza, Tartu and Oulu – enabling an open dialogue with stakeholders, end-users and citizens to improve upon processes, results and impact. and Serendipity, both residents at the AI Innovation Center particpate in the project.

Top 5 Challenges of implementing AI. The adoption of AI is for enterprises of all sizes, not just reserved for big global players. But with new technologies come new challenges: Only 53% of AI projects make it into production. Read about the 5 challenges of implementing AI shared by European business leaders according to AI Business.

First autonomous X-ray-analyzing Ai is cleared in the EU. An artificial intelligence tool that reads chest X-rays without oversight from a radiologist got regulatory clearance in the European Union last week — a first for a fully autonomous medical imaging AI, the company, called Oxipit, said in a statement.  It’s a big milestone for AI and likely to be contentious, as radiologists have spent the last few years pushing back on efforts to fully automate parts of their job. The tool, called ChestLink, scans chest X-rays and automatically sends patient reports on those that it sees as totally healthy, with no abnormalities. 

How companies are saving millions globally thanks to data pioneers in Eindhoven. Companies and organizations are producing more and more data. This digital footprint is a true goldmine for business analysts. Using smart algorithms it helps companies to discover where processes stall, and consequently cost money.

AI takes aim at employee turnover. With attrition an increasingly challenging issue, companies are turning to chatbots and machine learning to augment HR strategies for gauging employee sentiment, identifying flight risks, and strengthening career support.

Upcoming events you can’t miss

Launch of AI for Energy Grids Lab (Online, April 20th)

Alliander, TUDelft, Radboud University, UTwente and HAN are joining forces in the AI for Energy Grids Lab, by connecting AI professionals, knowledge, technological innovations, and insights. This AI lab will enable new initiatives in the application of AI in energy grids, such as graph neural networks en state estimation.

Data Science Talent Fair (JADS Mariënburg, April 26th)

On this day, you will have the opportunity to connect with multiple companies through the company market and company presentations. On top of that, you can have a personal conversation with companies’ recruiters via speed dates where you get to know the career opportunities they have to offer you.

Startup funding: how to raise venture capital (AI Innovation Center, May 10th)

If you’re a fast-growing tech company, chances are that you’ll need funding – venture capital – to fuel your growth. What’s the best approach to raise venture capital? During this event you’ll learn from experts, investors and founders what works and what doesn’t.

MKB Datalab Data Driven Workshop (Online, May 27th)

The JADS MKB Datalab gives you the opportunity to explore what data science could mean for your SME company. In the Data Driven Workshop, you will work together with Data Science students from JADS towards a concrete first step to start working in a more data-driven way.

Would you like to host an AI event at the AI Innovation Center? Contact us at

Introducing Philipp Werle as Innovation Manager Emerging Tech

Yesterday, Paul van Son, known to most of you as the initiator of the AI Innovation Center, announced his new role as Head of Strategy at High […]

Looking back at a successful High Tech Campus Open Day

We look back at a great High Tech Campus Open Day! On Saturday the 8th, thousands of visitors, ranging from families with kids to professionals looking to […]

AI Innovation Center upgrades community areas

Hub news! 🧡 As some of you may have already seen, AI Innovation Center has recently upgraded the event space, coworking area, and one of the main […]